In our absence the office gossips are probably having a field day 我们不在的时候,办公室里大概谣言四起了吧。
I suspect that the lawyers are going to have a field day before it's all sorted out. 我想律师们要好好忙活一通才能把一切都弄停当了。
The other team was helpless and we had a real field day. 对方队很弱,我们轻易取胜。
The press and her opponents would have a field day digging into the dirty details of her background. 媒体和对手可以痛快地深挖她不堪入目的丑闻。
Meanwhile, newspaper cartoonists are having a field day dreaming up alternatives to the handshake. 与此同时,报纸漫画家正忙着构思代替握手的问候方式。
With shark numbers massively depleted, the rays have had a field day devouring scallops, clams and oysters, rapidly reducing stocks. 由于鲨鱼数量急剧减少,魟鱼就会趁机吃掉很多扇贝、蛤蜊和牡蛎,使这些物种的数量迅速减少。
The mayor came to talk about the field day. 市长出来为运动会讲话了。
And with the outcome of the Clone Wars a foregone conclusion and his character's triumph inevitable, Abercrombie can let his dark side run rampant and have a field day, indeed. 鉴于《克隆人战争》的结局已经注定,而他的角色的胜利也不可避免,艾伯克龙比可以让他的黑暗面泛滥成灾,并且有段快乐时光,没错。
Go to the shack of a veteran CW operator, or visit the CW station at a club Field Day operation. 进入一个老练的CW操作者的小屋,或在俱乐部集训日访问CW站。
The press is gonna have a field day. 够记者们写上一阵子的了。
Now during all of this problems for the personality theory, problems for the body view during all of this, the soul theorist is having a field day. 在这一切之中-,人格理论出现麻烦,身体理论也不免问题丛生,这时灵魂理论者就要窃笑了。
If we delay Montayne now, the press will have a field day. 如果我们现在推迟蒙太尼,新闻界就会大喜过望。
The Portuguese had a field day when they overran the ancient kingdom of Malacca. 葡萄牙人攻占了古老的马六甲王国后,大肆地庆祝了一番。
Her future boyfriend is going to have a field day with that one. 她将来的男朋友会不停地拿这个开玩笑。
Now that our business is picking up, my wife is having a field day buying new things for our house. 如今我们的生意好啦,我太太正心满意足地为新房子采购新用品。
Congress and the American press had a field day, vying with one another to see how much blame they could dump at MR annan's door. 美国国会与新闻界顿时群起鼓噪,好不热闹,双方互相竞赛,看看他们的指责能让安南多么灰头土脸。
For the next five years we had a field day. 在这以后的五年是我们获得意外成功的日子。
Year one focuses on the cultural background which induced the establishment of the Field Day group in order to set up the project's theoretical framework; 第一年研究重点在促使「田野日集社」建社的文化背景,并据此建立本计画之理论架构;
They would have a Field Day with the corruption on wall st. 他们在处理华尔街腐败的时候一定可以获得一次很好的集训。
A sack of grain fell off the trailer and burst, and all the birds had a field day, eating as much as they could. 一袋谷子从拖车上掉下来破了,所有的鸟儿大过其瘾敞开肚子吃了个饱。
This field day is strictly business. 运动会完全是商业行为。
The children had a field day whenever my brother came to visit us; he would play with them for hours. 我弟弟一来,孩子们就特别高兴,尽兴欢乐。他常常会跟他们玩上几个小时。
The artillery had a field day with the retreating enemy infantry. 炮兵对撤退中的敌军步兵大发威力。
The children had a field day because their father had played with them for the whole weekend. 整个周末父亲都陪孩子们玩,他们分外高兴。
There are also hundreds of pens, watches, brooches and chewing-gum packets dating from the days when Beatlemania was at its height and the marketing gurus had a field day. 展场上也有数百只笔、手表、胸针与口香糖包装,它们都是在披头四狂热如日中天且行销专家欣喜万分之际所留下的产品。
If the newspapers get hold of this scandal, they'll really have a field day! 报纸如果能抓住这件丑闻,那可就有机会大做文章了。
When are we having another field day? 我们何时才会有运动会?
Privatisation meant a field day for robber barons. 私有化意味着是强盗资本家的户外集训。
We had a field day talking about our school days. 我们兴高采烈地畅谈学生时代的事。
Corrosion becomes main obstacle on the sustainable development of oil field day by day. 腐蚀日益成为油田持续开发的主要障碍。